Final Project Schedule
and Requirements
final project will consist of a five-page paper and a 10 - 20 image slide
presentation. Your presentation will take place on May 4th. Your
paper must be submitted by 5pm on May 5th. (Microsoft Word documents
only, please.)
4/6 Online Discussion
Part 1: Declare
your final project topic and three reasons you are interested in that topic. (100 – 150 words)
Part 2: Use
Roland Barthes essay The Rhetoric of the Image to help you analyze an
image related to your final project. Page numbers are all that is needed for
citations (they start on the second page.) 300 words
Part 3: Responding to your classmates’ image analysis.
In your response, please try to add to your
classmates’ analysis. Please respond thoughtfully to all of your classmates
(help each other make new connections).
Final Project Journal
the next several weeks you will be keeping a journal (commonplace book) about
your final project topic.
requirements are outlined for each topic. In addition to the listed
requirements, your journal should include any related ideas or references to
your topic that you come across in your daily life.
journal can take any digital format that you can share with the class via the
internet. It can be an instagram or twitter hashtag, a blog, a pintrest page,
or any publicly accessible format that you are comfortable with. (Notes and
quotes can be written out and photographed – or posted in comments.)
4/13 In-class lecture and discussion of The
Society of the Spectacle
focused on Museum Visits: Landscape and Environmental Art, Magdalena
Compos-Pons, and Ai Wei Wei
of The Society of the Spectacle – Instructions for this reading are at
the top of the document. Please read and take notes on this chapter BEFORE
coming to class.
4/20 Final Project Meetings
will meet by topic so we can benefit from each other’s research. Group Ai Weiwei
will meet from 6 to 7pm. Group Make America Great Again will meet from 7:15 to
4/27 Online Discussion of Museum Visit
5/4 Final Presentations